The much anticipated night finally arrived! One by one babies began to appear at our front door. Before we knew it we had four car seats lined up, and it was time to celebrate the fact that all of our children were meeting for the first time on the "outside."

Miles sat in his chair looking a bit bewildered as four beautiful baby girls showed up to party at his house! We soon found out that when you get five infants together there are lots of logistics to consider. Someone was always needing to be fed, there was inevitably a line at the changing table, and if they weren't eating they were sleeping. Eventually we managed to get all five awake at the same time to take a "class photo." I still cannot believe that Miles was the only boy, born first, and by far the biggest one of the bunch!

Really is there anything cuter than five babies lined up together? From left to right Sofia,
Elouise, Miles, Josie, and Chloe. I only wish I had snapped a photo of the ten parents on the other side of the lens cheering them on!

The night was full of proud parents passing their children around and sharing hilarious stories.

For dinner we made our own our own pizzas. While it was a lot of work it really was fun to do. Each couple took turns making their pies in the kitchen with an assortment of at least 15 different toppings that were compiled to choose from. The artist/chef in me loved to see what everyone came up with. Then as each couple completed their pizza I thought they looked great side by side on the baking sheets. Perhaps something of a self portrait? (I know - strange! - what can I say?)

Here we have Nate and Sarah.

Todd and Monica

Sally and Michael

Bethany and Aaron (the only couple that chose to make one really large pizza) - good thinking!

Paul and Cassie

Dinner was delicious - with thanks to Cassie and Paul for the salad, Sarah and Nate for the pizza dough, Bethany and Aaron for yummy toppings, and Todd and Monica for the cheesecake! I realized I did not manage to take any pictures of the cheesecake - probably because it was gone too soon!

By the end of the night there were babies sleeping all over the living room. My favorite part was the fact that every time I looked up parents were passing kids around and taking turns holding
different babies.

We are all first time parents and so all of this is new, exciting, and at times overwhelming. Michael and I feel so blessed to have all of these friends to share this chapter of our lives with. Our children will always be experiencing similar benchmarks in their lives, so I know I have at least four other families to poll when Miles does something I cannot find an answer to in all the books. Which judging from our experience so far will be often.

For a reminder - here we are again in our Bradley class lined up in order of our due dates. From right to left Sarah (Dec. 6
th), Sally (Dec. 9
th), Monica (Jan. 24
th), Bethany (Feb. 1st), and Cassie (Feb. 10

Here were are lined up in actual birth order. From right to left Sally with Miles born Dec. 19
th, Sarah with Josie born December 29
th, Cassie with Chloe born January 24
th and Monica with Sofia also born on the 24
th (her due date!), and Bethany with
Elouise born on February 2
nd. Cassie was by far the biggest "line jumper" moving from last to third! Sharing this experience has already been so amazing - I can only imagine what the future holds. Aren't we glad we just happened to be in the same class last fall! If we hadn't I am sure my life would not feel this complete!