We are proud to announce the arrival of our second son!
Ruben Price Triant was born at home at 7:32 the morning of November 23, 2011 as the sun rose, along with the tiny cusp of a waning crescent moon. He weighs 8lbs. and 12oz. and is 21 inches long. It was a wonderful day to be born as it is also his Nonna's birthday! Big brother Miles was happy to meet his "Baby Ruben." Michael and I look forward to watching our boys grow together!
We hope everyone is enjoying this Thanksgiving holiday. Today we are especially thankful for our newest family member, and incredibly grateful for all of the love and support we have felt from family and friends! Please share in our joy by celebrating the things you are thankful for in your life today!
We will continue to update our "Family Story" on the blog if you care to follow along.
We will be moving officially from The Triant Trio
to The Triant Quartet now that Ruben has joined us!
Sally, Michael, Miles & Ruben