To grandmother's house we go;
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh,
Through the white and drifted snow!"
So we were not exactly in a sleigh, and the snow was not that deep, but we did go over the river and through the woods to the grandparent's house in Ada. It was a wonderful first visit for Miles to see the home his creative grandparents designed and built. His great grandmother Joye was still visiting from Texas and we took this picture of the FOUR generations! Isn't that truly amazing! I am so happy that he will be blessed to know my sweet grandmother, and she seems to be totally enamored with him.
The next day we put Miles back in his carseat (that I have taken to calling "The Tugboat") and visited Yia Yia Linda's house. We got to see Theo Tommy and Chelsea before they headed back to L.A. and Miles loves his new stocking that Yia Yia gave him.
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