Alright - finally - the "Wedding Post" has arrived. Wow - what a week of fun we had! Miles met his cousin Sloane for the first time and got to spend a little time with him and Uncle David watching the World Cup before the rehearsal.

The rehearsal dinner was delicious; all the food was provided by the amazing Marie Catrib! Marie loves babies and I am happy that Miles gets to receive some of her kindness & love. I look forward to the day when she can nourish him with her cooking too.

The soups she made were so yummy, and they tasted especially great because they were served in the one-of-a-kind mugs my mother had made for David and Sarah to commemorate the event!

This group loves to throw parties - every detail was perfect and I think that both the Van't Hof and the Laughter families really enjoyed sharing some quality time before the big event!

The next thing we knew the wedding day had arrived! The bridal party met at the church for hair and makeup. That included Miles, as you can see. I love this shot of his little outfit hanging next to our dresses!

My Grandmother came early and got to spend some time with us before the wedding began - didn't she look so beautiful!

Then the time we had been waiting for arrived. Sarah made the transition from bride-to-be to gorgeous bride. While the groom raced out for some last minute paperwork :-) we took some family photos in the parlor.

Guests arrived for the ceremony that was like none other I have ever attended. I love weddings. I love to look at the groom the moment he sees the bride. This time it was especially touching since the groom was my little brother, and my brother Matt and I were both standing up for them as Best Man and Matron of Honor. When they shared their vows I fought back tears, but they were tears of utter happiness. I am so thrilled that both my brothers have found the loves of their lives and I am so incredibly ecstatic for them! The service was thoughtful and highlighted by both mothers reading versus and prayers that were part of their own wedding ceremonies. However, the true pinnacle came when the bride sang a love song to the groom - in German! WOW! That is all I can say. Sarah's talent was awe inspiring, and although I think everyone enjoyed the performance it really seemed as though she was singing just to David, and we were just lucky enough to get to listen in. Throughout the service I could hear Miles babbling. He loves to wave his fingers in front of his lips lately and entertain himself with the sounds he can make. I found myself thinking that I wish for him such happiness one day. Right now it seems a million years away, but I know the time will come that he will fall in love.

Here is the first official family photo taken with Aunt Sarah and Uncle David - the newlyweds!

Here is the picture that will be used as the Laughter Family Annual Christmas Card.

Uncle Matt gave a really marvelous toast that was a perfect blend of sentiment and humor and it made everyone laugh and then cry.

I love this picture I snapped of Sarah with J.P. and Charles - the lighting was perfect, and as the sun dropped towards the horizon laughter and celebration filled the air. Dinner was served, and dancing began.

Then the Full Strawberry Moon rose high into the sky marking the end of a party that this family will reminisce over for years to come! By then Miles was fast asleep at home, thanks to Yia Yia Linda.

So here's to the three most wonderful people who have been brave enough to join the Laughter clan! I have the best husband and sisters a girl could ever ask for.

Other highlights of the week included Miles meeting his cousin Chelsea (also for the first time). It was so good to see her, but much too short a visit!

We also found time to celebrate Sloane's graduation and upcoming attendance at Texas Tech - an accomplishment he is darn proud of - as he should be! We are so proud of you too Sloane!

As we ate dinner we passed Miles around the table and everyone got a chance to love on him. Just wish family was not so far away - we feel your love from here, but it would be so much fun to go out to dinner together much more often.

It was a true week of celebration brought on by the love of Sarah and David. We really do count our blessings daily and we are forever grateful for the love of family that we share! Now that both my bro's are married we are going to have to find some new reasons to throw a party around here.