We enjoyed a lazy summer Sunday (8/8) and made sure that Michael and Miles had some quality time. Our little man loves to eat and this weekend he tried some mango with his brown rice cereal.

Then we went for a walk at
Frederick Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park. We wandered about in the warm and breezy day looking for all fifteen of the
Chihuly sculpture locations. It just felt good to be together and enjoy looking at the world through the eyes of a child for a moment. Miles seemed to really like the
Citron Green & Red Tower in the English Perennial Garden. The
Red Reeds (above) just seemed like part of the landscape to him and did not get much reaction. I wonder what it is like for everything to be new. I guess nothing/or everything seems astounding when you are seeing it all for the first time. Miles did not really react to the glass blown impression of the glowing
Summer Sun plopped into a green field (below). In fact he did not seem to think it was anything out of the ordinary, which I found interesting, since most people all day were falling all over themselves to snap pictures. He just looked at it like he expected it to be there. Perhaps that is part of the fun of the sculpture park, it is sort of childlike to turn the corner and see a GIANT horse starting back at you! Sort of dreamlike and surreal if you weren't expecting it.

I do wonder what things will stop him in his tracks one day. Will we wait at every train crossing to perhaps catch a glimpse? Will we wave our arms for every truck driver on the highway to honk the horn? Will we look up at every building hoping to spot Spider-man? Will we peer under every rock, trying to find a family of worms? I can't wait to see the millions of things that he will teach me. Will I suddenly become an expert on birds of prey, finally learn how to play chess, or take up sailing - all to gain a better understanding of my little boy's interests? I really can't wait to see what he will be interested in.

Until then I will continue to show him the things that astound and amaze me. Ever since I was an undergraduate art student I have had an appreciation for the work of Dale Chihuly, and it was really fun to spend the afternoon showing Miles some of his work right here in G-RAP!
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