The table was set beautifully, the food was delicious, the conversation with family was wonderful. It was a perfect first Thanksgiving for our little man, but the highlight of the evening was definitely at the very end!

As Miles watched Nonna & Paw Paw, Aunt Sarah & Uncle David gather their coats, their piles of leftovers, and head for the door he unquestionably waved and said "Bye Bye!" Although he has been prompted to say these words many times before, this was the first time the words were truly unsolicited. He came to his own conclusion that the people he had been playing with were leaving, therefore it was time to say goodbye. Oh - how can something so simple just make you swell with pride? Michael and I shared a glowing glance through the crowd as if to say "That's our boy." As we drove home we talked about what words will follow, and what it will be like when all of these sweet baby
babblings are turned into words and he can share all of the thoughts he is having. We felt like for the first time we got a glimpse of what his voice will sound like when he speaks. Music to my ears :-)
The Thanksgiving holiday has evolved to be a wonderful time to express your gratitude, especially to family and friends. This year I am especially grateful to spend time with family - it seems that having a child of your own truly helps you realize the value of close family ties. I am also very thankful for my wonderful collection of friends, both new and old, who have shared this incredible year of change and watched/helped our family grow.
I was baking our pumpkin pies and listening to tunes on Thursday morning when a favorite song by Chris Smither came on to the shuffle mix. I think he says best how I feel about the "things" I most cherish in life...
"In the end no one will sell you what you need,
You can't buy it off the shelf,
You've got to grow it from the seed."
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