With the latest blast of winter white we finally had enough snow on the ground to get Mr. Miles out in the cold for his first sledding adventure. While Michael shoveled the driveway (a long and arduous task because of the wet sludgy snow pack) I got Miles ready for the fun. I dressed him in multiple layers before I stuffed him into his snowsuit like a little green sausage. (I probably overdid it, but I did not want him to be too cold.)
I tried to figure out how I could get him to stay upright in all these puffy clothes as we pulled the sled. Then I remembered the
Bumbo ~ a marvelous (South African mind you) invention that every parent should have! Thankfully ours is on loan from a friend and though Miles can now crawl out of the chair ~ I knew it would be just the thing for sledding. Probably not the intended application, but it worked wonderfully!

At first he seemed a little wary like he wondered what on earth we were about to do to him this time. Then his face lit up with the most amazing smile and he squealed with glee as the sled started to move!

Michael got back to work with the shovel, and I started to see how fast we could (safely) get moving with this little contraption.

First I walked in circles on the front lawn. Every time I would stop he would kick his legs and try to push forward, prompting me to get back on the move. So each time I would go a little bit faster. Eventually we were running in circles in the yard carving a sledding track into the snow. As we would round the corner near the driveway he would just squeal and giggle when he saw Michael. I was laughing hysterically (when I wasn't panting). It truly was our first family play day in the snow ~ it was tons of fun!

Miles would just look up into the sky with awe as the snowflakes came pouring down.

It is hard to believe that almost a year has passed since this little boy came into our lives! This time last year I was as big as a house (really I was) and as we waited anxiously Michael assured me that no one had ever stayed pregnant! Suddenly it is winter again and we have a year of beautiful memories like today to keep forever!

This is how we ended our cold winter day. After dinner Michael and Miles worked on some music by the fire. Michael played while Miles danced and sang along, and I was filled with the most immeasurable happiness. I found myself thinking, "This is what life is for, to share your life with people". I just happen to have the two most wonderful guys in the world to share with!
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