Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Solstice

What a week! We have been surrounded by family and friends, and celebrating constantly lately! BUT - I digress, and you will have to wait for more details about all of the excitement.

The week started on Monday with one of my favorite days of the year ~ the Summer Solstice. We enjoyed the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, with the Earth the furthest from the sun, on a little hike at Blandford. We had to go visit, what has become, "our tree." Miles is six months old now, but we have been visiting this spot together for much longer than that!
You may remember that I started this whole blogging adventure "patiently waiting" at this very spot in November 2009. This hike was special though! It was the first time Miles met his Aunt Jessica ~ and it was really precious because Blandford is a really memorable place for Jessica. She attended the Blandford School as a sixth grader, and the trails and the forests of this place mean so very much to her because of her history here.

I am so happy to know that Miles will be able to grow in understanding and appreciation of the valuable resources this Earth provides for us with a wonderful guide like his Aunt Jessica to lead him. We should all be so lucky!!! The world might be a much better place.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day

We celebrated our first Father's Day last weekend! Michael received this beautiful card from Yia Yia Liz and I thought the sentiment was perfect,

"On your first Father's Day a wish for some quiet time when you can study every detail of your baby's face, those tiny fingers and toes... every feature a reminder of the love that created this new life. And in those quiet moments, may you know with absolute joy that being a father is the most rewarding job in the world."

I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures of Michael and Miles taken over the last few months. I know that Michael takes very seriously this new role that he has been given, and I look forward watching this father and son relationship grow through the years.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Bird

Last night Miles got to see his Great Grandmother again. She flew in from Houston for the upcoming wedding! Miles has not seen her since he was just a few weeks old, but they just started talking again like old friends being reunited.

Outside in my father's garden the Robin that has nested there for the last few years was off finding food for her four baby birds. They were stuffed into the nest and waiting patiently for her return.

This morning we decided to try to feed our own baby bird some solid food. He has been watching us eat with tons of interest lately, so we thought it might be time to try. He had his first taste of some rice cereal served up in the beautiful wooden bowl that Marie Catrib gave him.

I fed him first, and then we switched off and Michael took a turn. I love his little bird lip in this picture as Michael spoons in the cereal.
He ate all of the food. Then we followed the meal with some water to wash it down. He really did not like the water. It was funny to see him make faces each time we spooned in the tasteless liquid. Michael finally made a funny game where he took a very animated sip from his cup of coffee each time I offered Miles the water. Miles would imitate him, and soon all the water was gone!

So there you have it. Our little baby is growing so fast and has become a tiny foodie in the making. I hope to give him an appreciation for delicious locally grown seasonal food as I feed him throughout his lifetime. For now we will just start with a few spoonfuls of cereal each day.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

World Cup Strawberry Jam

I love this time of year in Michigan when all of the fresh produce starts streaming in from local farms. We really try to preserve as much as we can to use throughout the year. When I buy my first flat of strawberries the process begins, and I know it is "game on." For the rest of the summer I will be spending every spare moment in the kitchen blanching, freezing, and canning. This season we have also added baby food to the repertoire, and I started by making ten ounces of asparagus puree. (Miles you can thank me later.)

The weather was cool while I processed the strawberry jam and I was thankful because the kitchen usually gets really hot with all that steam.

The jars were filled with ripe red sweet jam that we will enjoy throughout the year ~ and many of you will see again in your holiday baskets I am sure :-)

As I finished up Michael and Miles enjoyed one of the many World Cup games taking place in South Africa. Just wish we could be there to watch in person!

As you can see Miles and Monkey are really enjoying learning the ways of the game from Papa! Looks like we have a new tradition ~ instead of our usual "Solstice Strawberry Jam" now every four years the Triant family kitchen will be processing "World Cup Strawberry Jam" fresh for your enjoyment.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Then & Now

Just another post of comparison photos. The picture from his birth announcement & a recent picture of Miles in his crib after a nap. Same thoughtful look in his eyes.

Growing up in the bouncer! Now he can make it rock back and forth as he wiggles his legs. This is still his favorite place to hang out when Papa makes coffee in the morning, when he works with me in the office, or to share a meal with us in the evening.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Sweet Life

Miles made an appearance in the Grand Rapids Press this past weekend! You can view the photo with the caption on

THE SWEET LIFE: Michael Triant balances a waffle cone as he snaps a photo of his wife, Sally, and son Miles, 5 months old. They were at the Parlor at Cherry Hill to give Miles his first ice cream experience.

We made our first trip this summer to The Parlor, the ice cream shop on Cherry St. Last summer we went for tons of walks and we practically ended every evening on their benches eating ice cream. I was the typical VERY pregnant lady happily devouring a huge waffle cone with my favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream. Now I cannot eat the peanut butter because it gives Miles a rash, though I've been assured this does not mean he will necessarily have a peanut allergy when he gets older. So, I settled for mint chocolate chip, and Miles tried as hard as he could to get his own bite. No ice-cream yet for the little guy, but we are planning to start some solids soon. I have a great book and we are excited to start cooking some of the veggies we are growing in the garden for him.

As I sat down to enjoy my ice cream Michael began to take pictures, and then a man on a nearby bench began taking pictures of the whole scene. It was quite a moment and Miles seemed very comfortable in the spotlight as his paparazzi snapped away. The press photographer told us to look out for the picture, and sure enough we made it in the Sunday paper. It will be a wonderful addition to his baby book!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Van'tHof Gifts

June is here and that means that this month my brother David will be getting married! Really both of my brothers have picked the most wonderful sisters for me, better than I could have ever imagined. Sarah and her family have been such a wonderful addition to our growing family and suddenly the holidays that were once filled with just the Laughter five have become festive multi-family affairs.

The Van't Hofs have given Miles so many thoughtful gifts, and at the moment two of them are his absolute favorites!

He loves "monkey" and they play for long periods of time just talking and figuring things out.

"Lion" is his best friend when it is time to take a nap. He will lay in his crib and just play with lion's mane, eventually drifting off to sleep. We are so thankful for the gift of all the "new" relatives in our lives, and so thankful that Miles has so many people that love him!