Thursday, June 9, 2011

Making Biscuits

Lately when I am cooking in the kitchen Miles will come in and reach up with his arms and just say "peas, peas, peas." (Translation: Please, please, please.) How can I resist such a sweet request? Though - when I am holding him up and showing him what I am doing, I can get very little of the desired cooking done. So - my solution - the step ladder!

Miles amazes me with his strength and agility, being that he has only been walking since February. He climbs right up and he will watch me cook... and today he really helped!

I had a craving for biscuits this week, and since the market is open I was able to get some good local buttermilk. We pulled out the essential cookbook for classic recipes, (at least for this southern girl) The Joy of Cooking. Then we got to work! Miles helped pat out the dough and then cut the biscuits out.

I love this shot ~ my little helper!

Dinner was served on the porch, picnic style.

Miles is wearing one of the reversible bibs that Yia Yia Linda made for him out of the table runners from our wedding!! (I think it was such a thoughtful use of all that extra fabric, because there is no way we would ever need that many at the same time ever again - thanks again Yia Yia!)

He would fill his mouth full of biscuit and then make the sign for "more." So glad the biscuits were a hit. Both making and eating them was fun!

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