One of the first entries I wrote in my journal after finding out we were pregnant was on April 20, 2009.
“We have been keeping a secret for sixteen days now! I will never forget the morning of April 4th when two Mourning Doves announced their arrival at our bedroom window and something about this prompted me to take a pregnancy test. Since then I have been slowly adjusting to this new reality, and this morning there are two more birds here to share my secret with. Outside my office window an American Robin is building her nest. It is a perfect wet rainy day and each time she returns with a beak full of mud she turns around in the nest to stomp it around inside. Each time she leaves a male House Finch flies up to inspect her work, and perhaps steal some of the soil. A strange combination! I am glad she has chosen this place to raise her young; I will enjoy watching the progress outside my window as the spring turns into summer.
As I write the Robin has gone back into the rain in search of supplies…nesting. I suppose I am going to be doing the same.”
Both species of birds did in fact build nests and raise their young right outside our window. We watched as the male returned with a partner and built a nest. The Robin’s eggs hatched first, and they LOUDLY proclaimed their residency with their very characteristic song. Then later the finches fledged. Now the nests sit vacant. As I look out today the snow swirls around them. The seasons have changed, and changed again, and now it is our turn to nest!
Our n

est for "Baby T." has taken the form of this beautiful sage green nursery. With the help of many family members we have purchased a crib and a cradle. The cross stitched blanket in the crib was handmade by my Grandmother and her twin sister. The changing table that was a hand me down has been repainted and filled with all the cloth diapering necessities. The rocker was my great grandmother's. The little red chair came from (soon to be) Uncle David and Aunt Sarah. The bronze baby shoes in the window were Michael's and the white ones were mine. The closet is full of the most precious tiny gender-neutral clothes! And, we finally found the perfect rug for the room. The artwork is an eclectic blend from our travels, including a mobile from our dear South African friend Vanessa Nixon and a photograph of Table Mountain at night taken by her talented sister Andy Nixon.
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