I will let you analyze the differences and what they say for the gender bias they may or may not represent :-)
I must say however that situations like this one have taught me one of the most interesting lessons I have yet to learn about parenting. It is simply that the moment that you have a child you begin to remember your own childhood again. Sometimes the littlest thing will trigger a memory or make me wonder how my parents felt when they were taking care of me. I guess that is part of the magic of it all, the sort of seeing your own life again through the lens of someone else's eyes. I wonder what things Miles will remember... maybe the pictures on the wall of his childhood bedroom from his aunts and uncles, the way his papa sings to him, the smell of home, or all the weeds his mother made him pull in the garden! I guess that is also part of the beauty of parenting. It has this amazing essence filled with the nostalgia of looking forwards and backwards at the same time.
So, a week after we took the feet pictures we managed to settle in to another photo shoot of "tiny hands." Here are some of my favorites of his five week old hands, and also some "family portraits" of our hands together.
sally! i had the exact same plaque... prayer for a little girl! in fact, i'm sure i still have it somewhere. i'll have to dig it out for alma. love your photos...